FOCL is a modern wellness brand committed to quality, transparency, and value. Founded by Ken Lawson who was diagnosed which Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in his 20s and went though a period of slow and mild recovery over the years, before making drastic changes to his lifestyle made positive inroads. However, it wasn't until being recommended CBD by a doctor that became a game changer and his sleeping improved, had more focus and felt calmer. After doing some research he was surprised to find that there weren't that many high-quality CBD supplements on the market, which led him to creating FOCL as a wellness brand committed to quality, transparency, and value.

FOCL have Sleep, Calm, Focus, Intimacy and Relief. Modern science meets traditional medicine. You can choose between a wide range of CBD Gummies, CBD Oil Drops, CBD Topicals and CBD Daily Supplements. It is quite overwhelming the choice available and you might wonder how what's best for you, but you can shop between products and benefits to filter what's best for you. Plus, if you're like me and want to do more research and have some questions answered, their blog is a good resource. They also recommend other brands/products which is nice to see.


I've personally struggled from sleep deprivation, insomnia, whatever, for years and have found taking CBD and Melatonin products have actual affect on helping me get to sleep. FOCL have a couple of options to help with Sleep with Gummies, Drops and even capsules if you don't like the taste. I actually prefer taking gummies but switch between Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum depending on my needs.

View FOCL CBD for Sleep solutions here
Read up on CBD v Melatonin for sleep and which is better on FOCL's blog post here.

As someone who has had plenty of sporting injuries, the body now takes longer to recover or keeps a lingering ache or pain that I just deal with. I shouldn't have to, and relief creams like the one above help alleviate those niggles and reduce aching. You can choose strengths of 1000mg or 2000mg, with both containing Camphor Oil and Premium CBD that helps sore muscles with recovery, as well as organic Aloe & Arnica that reduces inflammation. This is my go-to product after long runs and days out hiking.
View FOCL Pain Relief offerings here
For those wanting to boost their focus at work, during the day or in the evening, FOCL have have a combination of Nootropic Supplements, Gummies, and Drops as well as Mushroom Gummies for cognative support.

View the full range of FOCL CBD for Focus here
One area the FOCL offer natural supplements is for Intimacy with a combination of gummies and oils made using ingredients such as Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng that help invigorate endurance and sex drive.

View all of FOCL's wellness products at their website: